What is TFEPS?
The Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society is based in South Florida. Our dedicated individual members collect and cultivate tropical ferns & exotic plants. Our members include plant enthusiasts from all over the world.
Our Mission
To promote tropical fern and exotic plant knowledge, experience and enthusiasm and foster the introduction and exchange of plants.
Our ranks are filled with members who have been growing ferns and other tropical plants for many years. We have people who specialize in ferns, begonias, orchids, aroids, palms, and more.
This is a fairly unique society in that it brings together groups of tropical plants that grow here. We have meetings that are geared towards ferns, begonias, aroids, bromeliads, heliconias, hibiscus, etc.
We hope to attract people who are curious about ferns and exotic plants, and would like to know a little
about them.
We meet at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida) on the Fourth Monday of every month (except July, August & December).
December is our Holiday Party and date varies & is for members and their guests only.
Benefits include:
Monthly newsletter
Monthly meetings
Raffle and Sales tables at meetings
Sponsorship of special programs/guest speakers
Learning from experienced growers