Davallia fejeensis 'Plumosa'
The above species is a specimen of Davallia fejeensis "Plumosa' (in Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden's Conservatory). This well-grown specimen receives bright light during the day and is watered by an overhead sprinkler once a day.
The Davallias are quite popular among plant growers, not just fern lovers. These rabbit-foot ferns are quite varied in their appearance. The family includes Humata, Davallodes, Scyphularia, Araiostegia, and Leucostegia.
There are only a few Davallia-type plants (Humata tyermanii e.g.) which can be purchased in a local garden shop. The majority of the plants are usually found in the hands of die-hard collectors. These ferns usually are available through fern or tropical plant shows.
They range in size from small (H. tyermanii) to large ( D. denticulata).